Friday, October 10, 2008

Visit my grandmom's home

Long time no update..

Last week (27-28 Sep 08), I had a trip to visit my grandmom's home in Rayong with my mom, dad and younger brother.
This trip was the first time for my first car to go to upcountry.
Surely that my dad was the driver, not me. 55+

We left home around 05.30AM and arrived there around 08.30AM.
It took 3 hours because we stopped at Chumsang market to shop fresh food for cooking.
We stay only 1 night because I work on Monday.

My grandmom's home is calm and natural. It made me lively like charging energy.
There are many trees, flowers and animals.
(such as bamboo, orchid, dog, duck, chicken..)
(My grandmom has a durian garden.)
We can get fresh food from all around the home.
Let's see the pictures...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Anime Addict

After I knew that Pond - my colleague - love Japanese anime and manga like me (maybe more than me), I started to watch many anime.
I thought anime create from manga. But actually some anime create from manga, some from game, and some from light novel.
I ever thought that manga must more entertaining and imaginative me.
Now I know that is not certian for some stories.

For example; Haruhism is great as manga, may be good for light novel and bad for manga.

From the day that I talked with Pond about borrowing his anime and buying my own, I watched anime about 6-7 stories.
And today I borrow Pond RahXephon for watching this weekend.
Now I'm waiting to watch it soon. ^^

Monday, March 31, 2008

明日は来るから: Asu Wa Kurukara

As I ever told that the comic that I love most is One Piece.
So this previous blog, I wrote a lyric and translation of 明日は来るから (Asu wa kurukara) - one of the ost. of One Piece anime.

I love this song from the first time I listened.
I love it's rhythm. Though I didn't know it's meaning, I was very impressed with it.
I thought this song is so schmaltzy to me.
After I upload this song, I will post link to share to everyone.
If you have a time, pl's listen it.

Thank ^^

PS. As I'd promised.

Asu Wa Kurukara

明日は来るから Because tomorrow will come

ほら 舞い降りた雪がこの手に溶けては
ねえ 大切なことは壊れやすいから
僕たちにはつかめない 静かに漂うだけ

Look, as the dancing snowflakes melt on my hand
they disappear as if never having existed at all
Did you know? Because precious things are very fragile
they only drift silently, unable to be touched by you or me

はるかな はるかな 宇宙の片すみ

At the distant, distant corner of this universe
Our meeting was a coincidence
I want you to know about these feelings that are a miracle in their own right

ただ 伝えたいことがうまく言えなくて
迷いながら さがしながら 生きてた
いま ひとつの光を見つけた気がして
追いかければ逃げてゆく 未来は落ち着かない

Only, because I can’t properly express the things I want to say
I've come this far through losing my way, and continuously searching
Right now, I think I’ve finally found a light
that moves away as I chase it – the future is uncertain

ふたりが歩いたこの道のり それだけが確かな真実

We collect both smiles and tears on this journey, even while making stops along the way
The path we have walked together is the only definite truth

どんなに闇の深い夜でも かならず明日は来るから

When it rains, I will be your umbrella
During strong winds, I will shield you as your wall
No matter how dark the night, tomorrow will always come

春に咲く花や 夏の砂浜
秋の黄昏や 冬の陽だまり
重ねあう祈りは 時空さえ超えてゆく

Like the flowers that bloom in spring, or the sandy beaches of summer
The twilights of autumn and winter sun beams
Countless seasons come and go
Our overlapping prayers surpass time and space

はるかな (宇宙の片すみにいて)
はるかな (想いをはせる)

Far away (At the corner of the universe)
Far away (Our memories continue)
I want you to know about these feelings that are a miracle in their own right


We collect both smiles and tears on this journey, even while making stops along the way
This path we walked together will never disappear

どんなに闇の深い夜でも かならず明日は来るから
君だけに伝えたいよ かならず明日は来るから

We collect both smiles and tears on this journey, even while making stops along the way
No matter how dark the night, tomorrow will always come
I want to tell you more than anyone else that tomorrow will always come

PS. Because I don't know Japanese, I got this translation from seaching in internet. (google)
Thank you

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Ancient Tarot Test

Take this test!
The card you picked in the second position represents your current state of life. Approximately 90% people who pick The Priestess in the second position say that it accurately matches what's happening at the present time. This card symbolizes profound wisdom. Right now, in your present, you have the opportunity to trust in your own wisdom and intuition. Getting this card in this position is a sign that you know...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sand sculpture photos

As I promised that I will post photos which I took at Chachengsao trip.
Let's go...
First, this is a new Buddhist monastery of Luang-Pho So-thron temple.

Next, Let's go to the sand sculpture festival.
Here's in front of the entrance.

80th the King's Birthday celebrations

Music mechanism; this's show the talent of our King.

From a native tale; Pra A-pai Ma-nee
(I didn't use falsh when I took this. Because I need to show the light.)

There're some sand scraptures of foreign countries
Here's a symbol of Spain.

Here's a symbol of Japan.

Here's a symbol of China.
(Do you see Fuji mountain of Japan?)

And the last is the list of the creators.
This's also in front of the entrance too.

PS. The exist is next to the entrance. ^_^

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

new job

I work at SCI almost 2 years.
I think it's time to change my job.
If I work here until next year, it's hard to change a job.
At the beginning, I didn't like everything in my company even though it pay me a lot.
I didn't like my work, co-workers, environment.
It may be an action that happen with new graduate.
Time pass, I knew that I like my work, my colleague.
But I still didn't like my co-workers (who are in sales department).
Actually, I didn't like thier culture. They never talk to others with concerning thier feeling. (I mean in the working time.)

Now I know that I should to find a new job.
But I'm not test TOEIC or tkae a photo yet.
My photo still be me in a academic gown.

OK. From this week I will keep preparing for TOEIC test.
And I should apply the test within next month.
Before that I should go to take a photo.

So I want to achieve my goal that can find a new job within Apirl.
Cheer me up. :P

Monday, January 21, 2008

Me at Chachengsao

Last 2 weeks, I got a chance to go to Wat Laung Pho So-thorn at Chachengsao with my mom.
I didn't go to this temple almost ten years.
When I was young, I went there every year.
Time pass, everything change. This temple too.
I heard about new construction of new Buddhist temple for many years.
And Last 2 saturday, I saw that.
I think that is really beautiful.
Beside the new Buddhist temple, they have a new rule.
Actualy, I meet this rule at Wat Pra Kaew. It's not the new. (just new for this place)
The rule is anyone who not wear politely clothes will disallow to get in the new Buddhist temple.
I think this's very good.

After I went to Wat Laung Pho So-thorn, I went to sand scarpture festival which not far from this temple over 1 km.
This festival is from the cooperation of many country such as Germany, France, Japan etc.
Their works are excellent and wonderful.
(Though that day was too hot for me and my mom. :P)

PS. I will post pics later. ^^

Friday, January 11, 2008

Photo with my camera

If ask me that where did I go this past New Year, I'll ans that I went to make fun with my camera, Canon A700.

On 2nd Jan 2008, I went to Queen Sirikit Park with Tik, my lovely friend.
We took many photos. Tik got nice pics around 150 and I got around 200.
Actually, One day we could take more than these but we waste our time with lost.
We tried to go to Train Park. And finally, we found!!
But!!! we didn't go into Train Park.
We'd just only went to Butterfly and Insect garden.
45% of pictures that we took were pictures of Butterfly.

Importantly, I'm gald that I can make my friend, Tik, feels happy and become a lover of taking a photograph.